
Soliman Auricular Allergy Treatment (SAAT) for

One Needle.
Soliman Auricular Allergy Treatment (SAAT) is a highly effective treatment for all types of allergies and sensitivities, including seasonal (pollens, grasses, trees, weeds), environmental (molds, dust mites, etc), foods (dairy, egg, gluten, peanuts, etc.), and chemicals (latex, MSG, perfumes, etc.). SAAT involves one needle per sensitivity. The needle is tiny (3 mm long) and is placed in the ear. It remains in place for three to four weeks and is secured with medical glue and adhesives; at that time, we re-evaluate. For food sensitivities, as long as the re-evaluation is negative on retesting, we work with you to slowly reintroduce those foods back into your diet. The vast majority of patients experience desensitization (an absence of symptoms) following one treatment with SAAT.
Please note: If you have experienced an anaphylactic reaction to foods, the goal of treatment is not to reintroduce those foods back into your diet but rather to minimize/eliminate cross reactions, reactions to fumes, etc.

Natural forces within us are the true healers of disease.